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Garner Veterinary Services

Emergency Care


Emergency Calls at Garner Veterinary Services

In the life of every pet owner, there may come a time when you face an emergency with your beloved companion. Knowing you have a trusted veterinarian to turn to can make all the difference during these critical moments. Garner Veterinary Services, located at 725 Shamrock Blvd, Venice, FL 34293, stands with you in those urgent times. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Kelley Garner, our clinic offers comprehensive emergency care services up until 9 pm, ensuring your pet gets the prompt and proficient medical attention they need.

Recognizing a Pet Emergency

Identifying what constitutes an emergency can be challenging. Here are some signs that your pet needs immediate veterinary attention:

  • Difficulty breathing: Struggling for air or choking can indicate a severe problem.
  • Injury from an accident: Being hit by a car or a fall.
  • Poisoning: Ingestion of toxic substances, plants, or foods.
  • Severe vomiting or diarrhea: Especially if blood is present.
  • Sudden collapse or severe weakness: This can be a sign of a critical condition.
  • Uncontrollable bleeding: Wounds that won’t stop bleeding require immediate care.

What to Do in an Emergency

Staying calm and acting swiftly is crucial when faced with a pet emergency. Here’s what you should do:

  • Assess the situation: Quickly evaluate your pet’s condition while considering your safety.
  • Contact Garner Veterinary Services: Call us at 941-497-1676 immediately. We’ll provide you with instructions and prepare for your arrival.
  • Safe transportation: Ensure your pet is safely and comfortably transported to our clinic for care.

Our Emergency Care Services

Garner Veterinary Services is equipped to handle various emergencies until 9 pm. Our emergency care includes:

  • Immediate assessment: On arrival, Dr. Garner and our team quickly assess your pet’s condition to prioritize immediate needs.
  • Diagnostic capabilities: We utilize state-of-the-art diagnostic tools to identify the issue, from blood work to imaging quickly.
  • Treatment: Our clinic is equipped to provide on-the-spot treatment for various emergencies, including stabilization, surgery, and medication.
  • Critical care: We offer intensive care options for pets needing close monitoring to support recovery.

After-Hours Emergencies

Understanding that emergencies only sometimes happen during regular hours, we also guide after-hours situations. If your pet needs immediate attention after 9 p.m., we’ll direct you to the nearest 24-hour veterinary emergency facility. Our commitment to your pet’s health extends beyond our clinic’s hours; we’re here to ensure your pet receives the care it needs whenever it needs it.

Partnering with You in Pet Emergencies

Facing a pet emergency can be a frightening experience, but you’re not alone. Dr. Kelley Garner and the team at Garner Veterinary Services are committed to providing the highest level of care during these stressful times. That’s why we’re dedicated to offering compassionate, competent emergency care up until 9 pm.

Remember, the best outcomes in emergencies often depend on quick action and expert care. If you have an emergency involving your pet, do not hesitate to contact us immediately at 941-497-1676. Our clinic, located at 725 Shamrock Blvd, Venice, FL 34293, is ready to assist you with urgent care needs and ensure your pet receives the best possible chance at a full recovery.